About the Practitioner

Hi there! Thanks for coming to my page. I started my official journey of becoming a massage therapist in 2016 at the Center for Massage and Natural Health in Asheville, North Carolina and became licensed and began seeing clients shortly after completing their 6 month training program. I have been studying plant medicine in some regard since 2007, including completing the Holistic Herbalism program through the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine also in 2016. I have attended many trainings and continuing education courses over the years, often with a focus on understanding the nervous system, post traumatic stress disorder, and complex trauma. One of my favorite things about being a massage therapist is the opportunity to continue learning and evolving. I have completed the first year of the Somatic Experiencing training and am currently wildly enamored with the three year biodynamic craniosacral course I have just begun.

As with many people who are drawn to the healing arts, I gravitated towards body work through following my own, ever evolving journey towards becoming my best self as part of the collective whole. I am continuously humbled by the ways in which our bodies hold a wealth of intelligence and really believe in touch as a way to access the deep wisdom and roadmaps to resilience that we all carry. While massage is often seen as a luxury service, I wholeheartedly feel (and have experienced myself) that the type of relaxation and nervous system regulation that can result from receiving bodywork is invaluable in our topsy-turvy world and busy lives.