Integrative Massage for Every Body

Natassia Mullally

Maine LMT # 6799

Current Offerings and What to Expect

This practice is informed by a deep reverence and wonder for bodies and all that they hold. It is my hope and intention to approach our time together with curiosity, openness, and respect.


Massage, especially regular massage, has been shown to support the quality of ones mood, sleep, pain levels, immune system, and more. We will begin with an intake to consider how we might best spend our time together. Each session is tailored towards the individual on the table and informed by a variety of modalities including, but not limited to, swedish massage, trigger point therapy, deep tissue, thai massage, myofascial release, somatic experiencing, and biodynamic craniosacral therapy.

Collaborative Somatic Exploration

Three Session Package

I’m very pleased and excited to be developing this offering. While this is very much bodywork and can incorporate elements of massage, it is not massage. I’ve tried to describe the whats, whys, and hows in greater depth below. If you have questions, reach out to schedule a free phone consultation.

Is this a good fit for me?

Sometimes it’s hard to know until you try! Oftentimes when talk therapy feels like it’s falling short, turning to the body can help. If you suspect that you are regularly experiencing uncomfortable physiological symptoms due to stress, if you have mysterious chronic pain, or if you have an injury that has been deemed medically healed but is still causing discomfort, this may be supportive. If you want to explore a fractured relationship with touch in a safe and professional environment, this may be supportive. If you’re just curious about navigating the stresses of daily life on a bodily level, this may be supportive.

What happens in a session?

Due to the collaborative nature of this work our time together will be, in large part, guided by you. At first we will often be focused on letting our nervous systems get to know one another a bit in the context of practitioner and client while also starting to get curious about your body, where there are patterns of tension, where you feel strong and resourced, and what you’d like to address. Because everyone is different, we will explore different approaches to see what works best for you. A session might include any number of things including, but not limited to, guided body scanning, visualization, movement, tracking sensations in your body based on where you are in the room/ your proximity to me, exploring the space around your body, exploring what different herbal medicines feel like in the body, weighted blankets, touch, and massage. There is a lot of emphasis on consent in these sessions, and I aim to bring lightheartedness and play into the space.

Why three sessions?

Because this kind of explorations is best done as a slow, unfolding process, I am offering sessions as a trio so that we both go into our time together holding the intention that we will meet at least three times, as this is typically most effective on some kind of regular basis. There is nothing actually binding you to this, and you can pay as you go. If you decide after the first session that you do not wish to continue, that is fine. It’s just important to note that you may not get as much out of it. Continuing on past three sessions is encouraged!


For pricing, check out my booking page. Because I believe this work is most effective with consistency and through building relationship, I offer packages at a rather discounted rate. I also have a sliding scale for those who need it. Reach out directly if that’s you! Capitalism is a bummer and I’d love to foster the reciprocity of a gift economy more then bills allow, and I am certainly open to trade at times. Again, reach out directly if you are curious about a trade.

About the Practitioner

Hi there! Thanks for coming to my page. I started my official journey of becoming a massage therapist in 2016 at the Center for Massage and Natural Health in Asheville, North Carolina and became licensed and began seeing clients shortly after completing their program. I have been studying plant medicine in some regard since 2007, including completing the Holistic Herbalism program through the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine also in 2016. I have attended many trainings and continuing education courses over the years, often with a focus on understanding the nervous system, post traumatic stress disorder, and complex trauma. One of my favorite things about being a massage therapist is the opportunity to continue learning and evolving. I have completed the first year of the Somatic Experiencing training and am currently wildly enamored with the three year biodynamic craniosacral course I have just begun.

As with many people who are drawn to various care work, I gravitated towards body work through following my own, ever evolving journey towards becoming my best self in service to the collective whole. I am continuously humbled by the ways in which our bodies hold a wealth of intelligence and believe in touch as a way to access the wisdom and road-maps to resilience that we all carry. While bodywork is often seen as a luxury service, I feel (and have experienced myself) that the type of relaxation and nervous system regulation that often results from receiving this kind of care can be invaluable to showing up in the world as our best selves.

Online Booking

Get in Touch!

Please reach out through email or text message for questions.

(207) 616-9175


38 Spring St. Belfast, Me